
About the Artist

In my practice I try to explore ways in which I can fairly collaborate with the technologies I work with, maintaining mutual respect and adhere to each other's wishes, while sustaining a form of artistic direction. Main themes that I address are authorship, reproduction and simulation. While working closely together with digital technologies, I think it is important to give credit where credit is due. These technologies have a large impact on our lives, and we have a large impact on them as well. One could argue that we have become mutually dependent on each other. Thus, I believe that we have reached a stage where it is appropriate to acknowledge that digital technology is not simply a tool that we have created as a means to an end. We collaborate, interact and work so closely together that certain technologies have attained a degree of autonomy. In fact, I would go so far as to suggest that some digital technologies could be considered autonomous forms of life, residing in non-physical digital spaces.

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Katharina Siegel - The Zoo

I am attempting to artificially recreate a place from my childhood in "The Zoo." During my childhood, I lived next to a zoo and visited it daily. Even now, the zoo retains a magical hold on me, providing solace after the divorce of my parents, many moves to different houses, countries, and further life-changing events, the zoo brings solace to me. Whenever I return home or visit zoos in other places, I seek similar comfort. However, the original zoo has changed, and I have noticed a significant gap between my memories, imagination, and reality.To bridge this gap, I have set out to recreate the zoo of my childhood/imagination with the assistance of AI and photography. Poetry, written partly by me and partly by AI, is also a part of my endeavor.


About the Artist

Katharina Siegel (*1993) is a Visual Artist that mainly focuses on the medium of photography. She was born and raised in Frankfurt am Main, Germany and currently lives and works in London. She graduated from the photography department at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam in 2021 and has a pre-education in Sociology and Graphic Design. Her works have been exhibited in Tokyo, Paris, Amsterdam and Frankfurt am Main.Her works focus on themes such as perception, reality, human relationships and the inner world. In previous works she explores the impact of neurological conditions such as migraine and synesthesia on her life. She expresses the experience with a vivid use of colours and distortions or uses collages within the images. Other projects include archival images that explore family ties and relationships. To hide and mask the protagonists within the works is a reoccurring theme. The face gets covered with objects, blurred or distorted. The identity of the portrayed person is getting conceiled like that. All of the artists work can be seen as an act of self-exploration and contemplation about life and the inner world.

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